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Josette Abruzzini
Curious Daydreamer
My Story...

​Many of my stories relate to math and science...
I particularly enjoy writing about little-known STEM pioneers who’ve defied expectations - a 1600’s Dutch shopkeeper who discovered microbes, a 1920’s society lady who led daring Arctic expeditions. I've even written a picture book about a measurement unit and its elusive prototype!
I'm currently working on a nonfiction chapter book and an historical novel. One of them includes a friendship that may or may not have happened...
I've had pieces published in magazines, including STEAMeducation for teachers and Downhome Magazine , a popular Newfoundland publication. I am also represented in several local anthologies.
Additionally, I write a blog (and am a founding board member of) Birdshot Uveitis Society of North America, a volunteer nonprofit organization that supports those with a rare gene-related autoimmune disease of the eye called birdshot uveitis. Luckily, my amazing ophthalmologists diagnosed my case early and my vision remains excellent. I write the blog to increase awareness of birdshot and to support others with this condition.
As for my teaching career, I was most recently a 5th grade STEAM teacher. Before that, an elementary music teacher, a choir director, a piano teacher, and an early childhood music teacher specializing in Orff, Kindermusik, Yamaha and other music education programs. Close to 200 young people attended my well-rounded music program for 4-7-year-olds, Maplewood Music Workshop.
During the 1990's, Howard Gardner’s Frames of Mind introduced me to the theory of multiple intelligences, and that led me to attend two Arts Genesis Symposiums. I became fascinated with the potential of the arts in the elementary classroom and soon started teaching 5th grade at Jefferson School (now Delia Bolden) in Maplewood, NJ. During my 14 great years at Jefferson, I especially enjoyed integrating the arts into my math, science and social studies classes!
Along my journey I also discovered a love for writing. It started after I read one of my 8th-grade daughter’s assigned books about the great microbiology pioneers. How did an uneducated 17th century shopkeeper become the Father of Microbiology? I was amazed at how this diligent Dutchman followed his curiosity and developed the best microscopes of the 1600's! I started writing his story so that I could share it with my students. I’ve been writing ever since.
My memberships include SCBWI, Julie Hedlund’s 12x12 Picture Book Writing Group, Kirsten Larson’s Reimagine Insiders, Highlights, Historical Novel Society and other writing groups. I've taken dozens of webinars and in-person workshops. The writing community is so welcoming and supportive, and I appreciate the mentors and friends I've met along the way.
You might say that the 17th century shopkeeper who first inspired me to write is still driving that passion!
While here, read my blog where I share my writing journey, review an eclectic assortment of books, and reminisce on my girlhood in Newfoundland, Canada. You’ll surely find something of interest!

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